dietary ingredients

Top Trends in Dietary Supplement Manufacturing for 2024

This is the sector to watch for new trends, as the US accounts for over one-third of the $183 million global supplement market. In the US and around the world, holistic health is growing in significance as more people realize that feeling your best depends on being in good mental and physical health. The major motive behind the scope of a healthy lifestyle is the desire to “feel well” by consumers across the world.

Trends in Dietary Supplements

Welcome to 2024’s manufacturing latest dietary ingredients trends which are dynamic and flourishing, where health-conscious customers are navigating a number of choices available to them in order to improve their quality of life overall.

Mental Wellbeing, Concentration & Focus

The competition for our attention has gotten unbearably intense. Our attention span, arguably our most valuable resource, may be collectively eroding, with potentially disastrous consequences. In this day of distractions and competing demands, the concept of more mental energy, better focus, and enhanced concentration is generally tempting. Consumers that are actively involved seek natural items that have been clinically proven safe. 

In the era of attention deficit disorder and distraction, bad news has a shorter shelf life, and viral phenomena can disappear faster as people scroll past them in pursuit of the next dopamine fix.


Another component of the trend toward holistic wellness is a return to traditional, natural remedies like botanicals, which are perceived as a safer alternative with a lesser likelihood of adverse effects. About half of US consumers think that botanical chemicals are beneficial, and about one in three consumers are interested in using botanicals to boost mood and mental wellbeing.

Traditionally employed to enhance the body's ability to cope with stress, adaptogenic herbs, such as (ginseng, rhodiola, and ashwagandha) and mushrooms, (like cordyceps, reishi, and liongs mane) are among the top trends in dietary ingredients market.

Sustainable and Ethical

Sustainable and ethical operations have taken hold within the dietary supplement industry due to environmental concerns and moral implications of business moves. Customers are demanding supplements with smaller carbon footprints; they also want non-GMO and organic ingredients, as well as sustainable sourcing and ethical harvesting practices.

In response to changing consumer expectations as well as new regulations, brands are openly sharing their sustainability initiatives.


With worries about global health on the rise, the popularity of immune-targeted dietary supplements has exploded. Today’s consumers strongly believe in preventing diseases rather than waiting for an illness that will quickly recover from. To reduce illness duration and boost our immune system we should eat a balanced diet, take some nutritional supplements, and live a healthy life.

Several supplements combine numerous constituents reputedly strengthening immunity providing all-embracing advantages.

Total Ingredients Helping Businesses Stay Updated With Trends

As thе dietary supplement markеt continues to evolve, and staying updated with thе latеst dietary ingredients trends is crucial for businesses to remain competitive. The dietary supplement market is a dynamic and еvеr evolving space, with consumers constantly seeking nеw and innovative solutions to enhance their overall wеll bеing. Here at Total Ingredients, and a leading B2B suppliеr of high quality raw matеrials, and wе'rе committеd to staying at the forefront of thеsе trends. 

Hеrе at Total Ingredients, and wе remain dedicated to bring your trusted partner in this еvolving markеt. By offering a comprehensive portfolio of high quality ingrеdiеnts, and staying attunеd to top trends in dietary ingredients markеt, and prioritizing еthical sourcing. 

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